Tuesday, May 17, 2011

HISD Millionaire Club

 What is it?
The Millionaire Club is a coordinated effort by the Department of Library Services, the Literacy Leads the Way initiative and the Reading Department to keep HISD students reading over the summer months. 
 If all students read five books this summer… HISD students will have read 1 million books!

Why are we doing it? 
Besides becoming better readers, students develop a love for reading, and the entire family can benefit by making reading a family activity.  Reading over the summer is the best way to make sure that students enter school in the fall with reading skills at or above the level they were at before leaving for summer break.  Students who can least afford to risk the gains made during the school year in the area of reading suffer the most from summer reading loss.

How does it work?
Students should select and read a minimum of 5 books over the summer months.  They will fill out the Reading Log which they will have received in May 2011.  In the fall, they will return the log in order to be eligible to receive recognition and prizes for participating in the Millionaire Club. 

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